Remote configuration. Saves all your registry settings and license information into the APPNAME.CFG file in the application folder so that multiple workstations can be configured without entering license information for each workstation. The CFG file resides in the same folder as the application EXE file and can be placed on a CDROM or network share.
Start with a previously saved user options profile <options_profile>. User profiles are saved on the Add\Remove tab. Using this switch the options tree will open with the desired configuration instead of the current configuration. Just hit the add/remove button to complete the task of reconfiguring the system.
Save all log files to the application folder instead of the system windows folder. The computer name is added to the log name so that logs from multiple computers can be saved into the one application folder (typically a network share).
Windows File Protection on. The system will reboot after the setup engine finishes configuring the machine to ensure that Windows File Protection is re-enabled. Without this switch a reboot may still be occur to install and uninstall features that have system files that are locked by the operating system.
This switch is only available to users with multi-seat licenses or the free trial software. Used in conjunction with /o: With /auto the program will load the custom profile and completing the configuration process. If the /w swith is also set the system will be guaranteed to reboot to ensure Windows File Protection is activated This provides a complete unttended configuration process. For example you could use the /r switch to save licensing info then set XPlite.exe and XPlite.cfg up on a network share to use the command string XPlite /l /o:myprofile /auto to automatically configure the workstation. For mass configuration you could use remote administration tools to simultanously inject the unattended startup parameters into the runonce key of the system registry on all available workstations and reconfigure them during the next bootup. The installation process may require the system to reboot a second time after power on if in-use files need to be replaced or uninstalled. The /w switch basically forces this reboot to happen whether or not in-use files are involved.
/d:<domain> User credentials that the setup engin will run under. If both /u:<username> and /p:<password> are not specified the setup engine will run under the current user account. /d:<domain> is optional. If not specified the current machine name will be substituted automatically. If the computer is not a member of a domain the current computer name for the machine should be used. Passwords are plain text. Note that if your password contains non-alphanumeric characters such as ^ you may not be able to use a cmd window to start XPlite. The ^ is ignored and your user authentication fails. Make a shortcut or use the run box on the start menu instead.